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  4. 短期大学部英語科
  5. 第46回グレープカップコンテスト開催!




2019年9月28日(土)に第46回Grape Cup Contestが行われました。今年は23名の高校生の皆さんが、それぞれの個性を生かして Peter Panを披露してくださいました。




Good Speaker賞は、



From Mr. Brajcich
Peter Pan is a young boy who never grows up. His life is full of adventure and I think his character can serve as an inspiration to us to live our own adventurous lives. Again, this year’s piece presented many challenges to the participants. I commend all the speakers and teachers for taking on this challenge and performing the piece. Congratulations and thank you so much for performing at our Grape Cup!

From Ms. Millikan
The 46th Grape Cup was memorable to me as a judge because of the high quality of everyone's speeches. This was my favorite Grape Cup Contest. The story of Peter Pan was so vividly brought to life by each of you. I don't think I'll forget Wendy, Peter, John or fairy dust anytime soon. I want to congratulate you all on your stunning performances. Each of you gave your very best and it was not easy to choose who should get the prize because you all did very well. I enjoyed listening to each of you very much and I look forward to next year's Grape Cup adventure

From Mr. Lake
Thank you to all the Grape Cup Contest participants. This year there was a very narrow range of differences, in other words, the quality of all of the speakers was very high. It took persistence and courage to speak the way that you did in this contest but you showed that you can do it. This is something to remember and be proud of and take with you in your educational journeys. I hope it serves as a reminder as you continue your studies, that with effort and self-belief, you can achieve great things.
