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  5. (授業紹介)「Junior Seminar」(3年次ゼミ、異文化コミュニケーション・社会学研究、オキーフ・ゼミ)



(授業紹介)「Junior Seminar」(3年次ゼミ、異文化コミュニケーション・社会学研究、オキーフ・ゼミ)




This seminar class implements visual sociology which is visual format used to explain complex cultural and social trends.  In this case, video recording and editing will be used by the students to produce a short bilingual documentary. This project-based learning course starts out by giving students the basics of the three main sociological perspectives. They will use this framework to develop their own topic for their self-produced documentary. The students choose the best topic from all the submitted ideas. After the final topic has been chosen, the students are then broken into three groups which all have specific roles. Groups will be in charge of qualitative or quantitative research while others act as a support group. Each group will act independently while periodically reporting their progress to the rest of the class and the instructor. Students will also be asked to perform various roles such as researcher, writer, narrator, translator to help complete the documentary by the year of the school year. 
