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  5. English is Interesting 8 (会話にも順番のルールがある?)



English is Interesting 8 (会話にも順番のルールがある?)

How Conversation Works: Turn-taking (話者交替)



Adjacency pairs (隣接ペア)

A common turn-taking pattern is the adjacency pair which is composed of two parts or adjacent turns, with two or more speakers where the second turn is related to the first turn.


Examples of adjacency pairs:

Greeting > Greeting

            A: Hey!

            B: Hey!


Question > Answer

            A: Where do you live?

            B: In Fukuoka, in Ohashi


Offer > Accept

            A: Would you like some coffee?

            B: Yes, please.           


Offer > Reject

            A: Would you like some coffee?

            B: No, thank you.
