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  5. Dr Doyle's Advice: TOEIC Test on Sunday / 2022.11.20



Dr Doyle's Advice: TOEIC Test on Sunday / 2022.11.20

This Sunday we will all be taking the TOEIC test.  So, with that in mind, I am going to write about the TOEIC test and answer the question, why do we need to take it?  I will also give some general tips on taking the test and finally, a short vocabulary question to test yourself with!

国際英語学科(国際キャリア学部)では、英語力測定の国際標準テストの1つであるTOEIC を使用して毎年学生の英語力を測定しています。年1回は検定料を全額援助して学生の英語力の伸びを確認するとともに指導を行っています。文部科学省は英語教師の英語力として TOEIC730点以上を求めていますが、800点以上の高得点を取得する学生も多くいます。2021年度は20人が730点以上の成績を収め、その内8人が800点以上の成績を収めました。コロナ禍で TOEIC の受験者数に制限が掛けられていましたので、今後は受験者数も増えてさらなる高得点が期待できます。今回のブログでは Doyle 博士が TOEIC の意義等について説明しています。

今年度、895点の高得点を達成した当学科4年生 S.S. さんからのメッセージはこちらをクリックしてご覧ください: 【4年生の挑戦】TOEIC800点突破!(国際英語学科4年生 S.S.さん)

Why do we need to take the TOEIC test?

The TOEIC test is a test which doesn’t affect your grades and that means there really is no pressure on you! That of course is a good thing. However, the TOEIC test does serve a different purpose. The TOEIC test has become the test of English that the business world in Japan uses to measure their employee’s English ability. Therefore, if you wish to use English in your future jobs, you should be aiming to get a good score.


What scores do companies want their employees to achieve?

Of course, we are all aware of companies such as Fast retailing, Shiseido, Honda and Rakuten and their drive to promote English as official or semi-official company languages. This means that these companies have recognized the importance of English in the global workplace. Although Japanese companies, these companies have an overseas presence and therefore, conduct meetings in English with employees from overseas and send emails in English as well. Shiseido, the cosmetics maker, has set a target of 730 for its employees. Fast Retailing looks for over 700, as does Mitsubishi Denki and Yamato Transport. While Sagawa global Logistics looks for over 650(English innovations.com).  The average score at Rakuten in 2017 was over 830 and this score has grown from an average of 526 in 2010. (asia.nikkei.com)

What about small and medium sized companies?

While the previously mentioned companies are big companies and have a global presence, it can also be assumed that small to medium-sized companies in Japan will look for similar TOEIC scores. In the future, in order to grow, these companies will look for markets outside of Japan. They will have overseas branches with local employees and the language of meetings and correspondence, such as emails will be English. Furthermore, these small or medium-sized companies will probably recruit employees from abroad and therefore English will become important within the company in Japan. This will result in an ever-increasing emphasis on English and the general measurement of English ability within the business world will remain the TOEIC test!

Some Tips for the TOEIC Test on Sunday

Reading Section:

 1. Remember time is important! So, don’t spend too much time on one question.
   2. Quickly read each question.
   3. For the Reading Comprehension question, read the questions first and then try to find the answer. Underline content words.
   4. Answer ALL questions. (If you don’t know the answer, guess and move on)


Listening Section:

   1.  Focus! The speakers speak quickly so focus from the start.
   2.  Look at pictures and try to predict what the questions will be.
   3. Read the questions and answer choices quickly before you listen – find the content words.
   4. Answer ALL questions. (If you don’t know the answer, guess and move on)


Finally, here is a short vocabulary question to get you in the mood for Sunday!

Q. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right.

1. shipment

a. a person who works for a company

2. factory

b. a plan of how much money you have and how you will spend it

3. deadline

c. the money someone gets from their work

4. profit

d. a place where things are made

5. income

e. something that is made or grown to be sold

6. employee

f. the time by which you must finish something

7. budget

g. a large quantity of something sent from one place to another

8. product

h. the money you get when you sell something for more than it cost to buy or make it

   1. g     2.  d    3.  f    4.  h    5.  c     6. a     7. b     8. e