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  5. 世界とつながる仕事で活躍するために-国際キャリア学科(ICD)の経済・ビジネス領域のカリキュラム




福岡女学院大学国際キャリア学科(ICD)は、世界とつながる仕事で活躍する女性の育成を目指しています。そのため、カリキュラムにも1年次に「Introduction to World Business」、2年次に「経済学入門」「国際マーケティング」、3年次に「会社法」「Japanese Industry(日本産業論)」「Human Resource Management(人的資源管理論)」「カレント・ビジネス」など、世界とつながる仕事で活躍するために必要なことを学ぶ経済・ビジネス領域の科目を揃えています。語学修得科目でも「Business Reading」「Business Communication」などのビジネス英語や「中国語ビジネス会話」などの実践的な科目を設けています。

ここでは、そのうち経済やビジネスについて学ぶ「Japanese Industry」と「Introduction to World Business」「カレント・ビジネス」、ビジネスの現場で活かせる英語、中国語を学ぶ「Business Reading」「Business Communication」「中国語ビジネス会話Ⅰ・Ⅱ」についてご紹介します。

「Japanese Industry(日本産業論)」

「Japanese Industry」(担当:山口)では、戦前から太平洋戦争での敗戦、戦後復興、高度経済成長、石油ショックと安定成長への移行、プラザ合意からバブル景気、バブル崩壊と長期デフレ、アベノミクスとコロナ禍の現在までと、日本経済の変遷をたどりながら、各時代の経済を牽引した繊維、鉄鋼、自動車、電機、総合商社、金融など主要産業の歩みと現況を学びます。年代毎に日本経済の動向について解説した英文を課題として読み解きながら、質疑応答を交えて学んでいきます。

「Introduction to World Business」

「Introduction to World Business」(担当:山口)では、将来、世界とつながる仕事に就くために必要な日本の経済とビジネス、そしてそれを取り巻く国際情勢に関する基礎的な知識を身につけていただくことを目標としています。受講生たちは事前によく予習し、提出してくる課題の内容もしっかりしており、そのポテンシャルの高さを実感しています。



「Business Reading」

2年次に開講している「Business Reading」(担当:イアン・ケニオン、英国出身)は、国際ビジネスの現場で活かせる英語をリーディングを中心に学ぶ授業です。

The aim of this class is for students to learn a little about a wide range of different businesses, not only by sitting down and reading about them but by encouraging students to discover information for themselves.  

Each class focuses on a different kind of business, such as the fashion business, the airline industry, the retail business or the IT industry.  Reading is a solitary pursuit, so other activities are always built in. Students may, for instance, receive slightly different versions of that day’s reading material, with different bits of information missing. Each student’s task is then to prepare questions in order to elicit that information from another student. This makes the class more interactive and more lively than if students were simply reading on their own.

Other reading exercises may include researching questions typically asked at job interviews abroad, and then practicing interview situations by asking and answering these in pairs. Yet another example - perhaps in preparation for a career with a non-Japanese company - is learning how to create more individualised “western-style” CVs. In order to vary class content even more, students will sometimes be asked to watch short videos about various business topics. 

「Business Communication」

2年次に開講している「Business Communication」(担当:ダーシー・デリント、カナダ出身)は、国際ビジネスの現場で活かせる英会話を学ぶ授業です。

Hello, I'm Darcy de Lint an English language instructor here at Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University. I am from Canada originally, but I have been living and teaching here in Fukuoka for many…many years. I have a lot of teaching experience from many different places, and I have found that Fukujo ICD program is one the friendliest and most positive environments for learning. Students are very willing to hear teachers’ input, work together as well as learn from each other; a healthy community learning space.

Now a few minutes of Business Communication I with the い group. This term is going very well, and we all seem to appreciate seeing everyone in person again. This course is focused on getting comfortable with and building knowledge of words, phrases and exchanges that are common in a workplace setting. We also work in different ways that you might see on the job; individually, in pairs and in small groups. The い group is doing a great job of being in class, being engaged in class and making the most out of every exercise.

The class takes place in the bright and airy CALL 4 language lab, where there are laptops for each student. Here the いgroup also gets a chance to develop their computing skills as we have laptops open for the class. In class, while having class and group discussions, we exchange material online, access the net for short research exercises and use the laptop tablets as support tools for brief presentations. 

Here are a few comments for the class members.

