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  5. (授業紹介)「Senior Seminar」(3年次ゼミ、国際協力・社会学分野、担当:グレゴリー・オキーフ)



(授業紹介)「Senior Seminar」(3年次ゼミ、国際協力・社会学分野、担当:グレゴリー・オキーフ)



This seminar is based on group work often used in American universities to complete a common goal. The goal of this class is to write, direct and produce a short documentary based on current sociological issues using a form of research known as visual sociology. Visual sociology is an interesting way to distribute researched information through a visual compilation to help stimulate the viewer's interest in the theme. The learning process applied to complete this project is based on PBL (project based learning) and active learning techniques. Before starting the project, the students review various sociological concepts from a collection of the who’s who of sociologists. Then they apply one or several of these concepts as the framework to their chosen theme. Each student creates a theme and then the group chooses the one they wish to produce. The class acts as a research group then little by little breaks into teams to form qualitative and quantitative data collection groups. Other students act as support teams as well. After the data collection has been completed students choose which data to add into their documentary. The instructor for this class has experience creating documentaries and offers guidance throughout the process from beginning to end. The atmosphere of the class goes through great lengths to make sure students have the ability to offer their opinion as freely as possible. Once the documentary is finished they will have the final viewing. If allowed, the documentary will then be uploaded to YouTube or the internet for public viewing.

オキーフ・ゼミではアメリカの大学で行われているような学生達に共通の目標を目指すグループワークを行います。具体的には、Visual Sociologyという研究方法を実施して、現代の世界が抱える様々な社会問題について調査し、ドキュメンタリーを制作することを目標としています。ゼミ生は有名な社会学者の概念を学んだうえで、自分のテーマを選び、調べて、プレゼンテーションを行います。全員のプレゼンテーションが終わると、そのなかから一つのテーマを選び、今度は全員でリサーチを行います。こうして集めた定量的、定性的なデータを精査し、ドキュメンタリー番組の制作経験がある教員の指導を受けながら英語、日本語のバイリンガルのドキュメンタリーを制作し、上映します。許可が得られれば、YouTubeにもアップする予定です。ゼミには自由な意見交換が進む雰囲気があり、毎回、活発なディスカッションが行われています。