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  5. (授業紹介) Reading and Writing Skills(担当:イアン・ケニオン)



(授業紹介) Reading and Writing Skills(担当:イアン・ケニオン)

国際キャリア学科の英語学習カリキュラムはレベルごとに編成した少人数のクラスで、英語力をスキル別に高め、総合的に伸ばすことを目的に編成されており、授業の多くは英国、米国、カナダ、ニュージーランドなど英語圏出身のネイティブスピーカーの教員が担当しています。そして、多くの企業が海外駐在員派遣等の目安としているTOEIC® 730点以上を目標にしています。


以下では、国際キャリア学科1年生、2年生を対象とする必修科目「Reading and Writing Skills」(担当:イアン・ケニオン)をご紹介します。

「Reading and Writing Skills」(担当:イアン・ケニオン)

Whether this class is conducted online or (hopefully) face to face, the goals are exactly the same. 

Regarding reading, the aim is to teach students reading skills, such as skim reading and the ability to differentiate facts from opinions. Skills like this create active rather than passive readers who are able to evaluate English texts both quickly and with a critical eye.  

As for writing, the aim is to help students understand basic English writing conventions, which I believe are rather different from those in their native language. The main focus is on writing coherent and unified paragraphs. This foundation is absolutely vital if students are to move on to writing longer pieces of work. At first, almost everyone finds it hard to grasp the discipline required to write good English paragraphs - it seems very alien. As time passes, though, students invariably make good progress. 

Reading is essentially a solitary activity, so whether the class is online or in the classroom, students will be asked to do their reading exercises at home. For writing, online and face to face classes will be different. In the classroom students mostly concentrate on short writing exercises, while I wander around the class checking work, offering suggestions and hopefully getting to know everyone a little bit. Students will also proofread each other’s work. With online classes, writing assignments will be marked, commented on and returned to students after the class. Of course, students can contact the teacher for advice or comments at any time, both in online and face to face classes! 


It may be that we have to do online classes for a while, but I hope very much to see you all in face to face classes very soon.
