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  5. ​グローバルキャリア発見の旅20:三好不動産国際部門 グロ・オルトンス(Gouleau Hortense)さん-Part 2



​グローバルキャリア発見の旅20:三好不動産国際部門 グロ・オルトンス(Gouleau Hortense)さん-Part 2





オルトンスさんはフランスのメーヌエロワールのご出身で、EMBAビジネススクール(エコール・ド・マネージメント・ブルターニュ・ アトランティック)でアジアのビジネスについて学びました。その後、日本でのインターンシップなどを経て、昨年12月から三好不動産の社員として、外国のお客様向けに新たに作られた部署で働いていらっしゃいます。様々な仕事ができて、とても楽しいと話すオルトンスさん。前回に続いて、インタビューをお送りします。なおインタビューは英語で答えて頂きましたので、2言語でご紹介します。

Q3. お仕事で一番やりがいを感じることは?


Q3 What is the best part about your job? If you have any story that brought you happiness or satisfaction, would you please share with us?
Even if it is recently changing, I have experienced that it was very difficult for foreigners to find apartment in Fukuoka. I know how hard it is for foreigner, so all I want is to help foreigners the best I can and makes it simple for them. My main goal is to make foreigner customers think “finally it was not so difficult / the service was great for foreigner”. Just the fact of known that I have made things easier for clients, even if they didn’t realized it, I think this is a very good motivation. It makes me happy to observe customers that feel a little bit relieved when they heard we can support them in other languages (English, French, Chinese). 
When I have customer that thanks me for the “support to foreigner” or told me “the English service is very good”, this is a real satisfaction, and just makes me want to continue the best I can. This can be a simple “thank you for the support”, but this little thing really means a lot for me and my work.
Another thing I really enjoy in my work is to observe that the company want and try to change and to open to foreigners.



Q4 Would you give a message to the students at our department and high school students?
Currently the main difficulty I have in my work is the Japanese Language with kanji. I clearly don’t have a sufficient Japanese level. However it doesn’t make it impossible to work for a Japanese company in Japanese. Even if your Japanese is not perfect, I think it will take time. Do not give up or think it is impossible to work in a foreign company. Even if it is difficult to communicate or answer perfectly to customer, as a foreigner, you bring something else to the company. As a foreigner you have a different culture then a different way of observing and understand things. You have a different way of thinking, a different point of view, so it creates new ideas.
Working abroad is difficult, but not impossible if you really want it. It brings you a lot to you and to the company too. Of course there is difficult moment when you can doubt of yourself, of the voice you have chosen. However, it can be strange to say it but the reason why it is interesting is because it is difficult.

If things are too easy, you will probably feel quickly bored.
However, if there is something you want to do, you try hard, maybe first you thought you won’t be able to do it, it is difficult, but you don’t give up and finally succeed!! Then you will definitely feel happy, satisfy, and proud of yourself.

To conclude I would like to say that working abroad isn’t easy, but it brings so much more to the company, and above all to YOU too.

とても前向きで、チャレンジ精神一杯の彼女のメッセージに、海外で仕事をしたいと考えるICDの学生、そして高校生の皆さんは大変勇気づけられたと思います。Merci, Mlle Hortens!