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  5. ​グローバルキャリア発見の旅20:三好不動産国際部門 グロ・オルトンス(Gouleau Hortense)さん-Part1



​グローバルキャリア発見の旅20:三好不動産国際部門 グロ・オルトンス(Gouleau Hortense)さん-Part1





オルトンスさんはフランスのメーヌエロワールのご出身で、EMBAビジネススクール(エコール・ド・マネージメント・ブルターニュ・ アトランティック)で、アジアのビジネスについて学びました。その後、日本でのインターンシップを経て、昨年12月から三好不動産の社員として、外国からのお客様向けに新たに設立された部署で働いていらっしゃいます。様々な仕事にチャレンジする毎日で、とても楽しいと話されるオルトンスさん。インタビューを今回と次回、2回にわたってお送りします。なおインタビューは英語で答えて頂きましたので、2言語でご紹介します。

Q1. オルトンスさんのお仕事について教えて下さい。

Q1. Would you tell us about your job?
I am working in the international department of Miyoshi Real Estate since December 2015.
We are currently two people in the international department, but there are other foreigners (Chinese person) in the company. We are currently 11 employees from abroad. One part of my job in the international department is to support other department of the company when they deal with foreigners who don’t really understand Japanese. I am between the foreigner customer and the Japanese employee. For example, when I support the rental office, I explain to foreigner how usual rental contracts in Japan are. It is often very different with foreigner’s countries, so we have to explain everything from A to Z, to make it clear. Which kind of contract, what do people have to pay, why, what do they have to do... The good point of being in the international department is that I don’t do only one activity. As I support every other departments, I can sometime do rental, then the next hour support property management contract, and then support a customer who wants to buy a houses, or rent an office. This is very complete, and so, very interesting! Another part of my job is to manage the monthly contract for foreigner. Those contracts are special short term contract for monthly apartment rent made especially for foreigners. This is a new service we have recently launch, so it very interesting! Prepare and check the rooms, create English file of the rooms or English explanation documents, present the rooms to clients or schools, communicate with client, prepare the contract… there are a lot of different things. 

Q2. 学生の時にも、三好不動産でインターンシップの経験がおありですね?その時のことを話していただけますか? 

Q2 Before you started your career at Miyoshi Real Estate, you had worked as a student intern at the company. Would you tell us about it?
Last summer I was in 4th year in my French Business School. In order to validate the 4th year, I had to do an internship abroad. As my Major was Asian business, I wanted to do my internship in relation with Asia, and as I had Japanese classes in France, I thought it could be a good thing to do it in Japan. I have always been only in the South of Japan, and this is a region I really liked. The reason why I did an internship in Fukuoka is because I made contact there when I came for short term exchange in language school.
When I came in Japan for few months, I have experienced that it was so difficult for foreigners to find rental apartment for monthly rent in Fukuoka when you don’t speak Japanese very well. 
So when I enter in the company for the internship, I have spoke about that and the company give me the chance to create a new project: short term contract for foreigners. So we have created this new service adapted to the foreigners needs. This was very interesting because the company trusted me, and gives me the chance to think, create and launch a new thing!

The main difficulty in this internship was the language. When I came, I though the internship was going to be in English, before I told to the company my Japanese level wasn’t good enough. However, the internship was of course all in Japanese. Then Japanese system too was first very difficult to understand (Japanese Real Estate system, Japanese Companies System and rules). It was difficult but interesting, because as it was different from what I was used to, I learnt a lot of things.
