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EAGL Classes:Change your perspective on English!

Some of you may have experienced studying abroad or have grown up overseas. However, most high school students have dedicated their studies to English as an examination subject. While in Japan, there is a prevalent awareness that one can manage daily life without using English; however, to actively participate on a global scale, proficiency in English becomes an essential prerequisite. So, what kind of studies would be beneficial? In the EAGL Department, there are numerous specialized courses designed to transform your mindset towards English learning. Here, we will introduce the following two courses.

■ Class: English as a Global Language

The most widely spoken language in the world is Chinese. With a global population of around 7 billion, approximately 1.3 billion people use Chinese. Surprisingly, the number of native English speakers is around 400 million. However, as English is often referred to as the 'global language,' there are more than 400 million people using English as a lingua franca. In countries like India and Singapore, as well as in Hong Kong, English is used as an official language. Additionally, it is estimated that 700 million to 1 billion people use English in their daily lives for purposes such as business. In essence, approximately one in four people in the world uses English. Nevertheless, due to the diverse contexts and regions in which English is employed, variations in pronunciation and vocabulary can be observed. By taking the course 'English as a Global Language,' you will gain an understanding of how English is utilized worldwide, offering an eye-opening experience!

■ Class: Intercultural Communication

Mr Haruaki Deguchi, founder of LifeNet Life Insurance and former president of the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, expresses the following: 'Culture is language. For example, by studying English, one can gain a deeper understanding of the American way of thinking. ... Language is not just the study of words; it is also a means to comprehend the thought patterns of foreigners' (from 'Jibun-no Atamade Kangaeru Nihon-no Ronten' pp.395-396). This is a highly significant message. Whether in work or any other context, understanding the culture and education of others is crucial. To engage in communication that avoids misunderstandings, it is necessary to comprehend cultural differences. The course 'Intercultural Communication' can be considered an essential subject for those aspiring to thrive in the global arena in the future!


The EAGL Department is where you can enjoy learning English! We are here to assist you in realizing your dreams. The future is bound to be bright. We anticipate your transformative journey over the next four years, turning uncertainties into a confident "Yes, I can do." The EAGL Department welcomes everyone who shares the department's goals. Aim High, Fly High! Think Simple, Think Different, & Think EAGL!