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  5. EAGL Classes:Junior & Senior Seminars Foster critical thinking skills in a two-year seminar ①



EAGL Classes:Junior & Senior Seminars Foster critical thinking skills in a two-year seminar ①

In the seminar classes, each instructor is assigned to approximately 10 students, providing individual guidance. The fundamental aspects of seminar learning include: 1) exploring research themes, 2) presenting research findings, and 3) compiling them into an English paper. This process hones English proficiency, critical thinking, and presentation skills. In this article, I will introduce Prof. Hosokawa's seminars. We will continue to showcase other seminars in the future, so please look forward to it.

■ Junior Seminars I & II, Learn the method of thinking

In the third year, students read literature to learn "how to start research" and understand different perspectives. Each seminar student is assigned a specific part to summarize and present, followed by a discussion on the content. Through this learning process, students who initially accepted literature at face value begin to question its contents. Activities like these help students develop a research perspective, leading to the emergence of questions and insights. Additionally, from the third year onwards and over the two years, students find a research theme they want to explore and start basic tasks such as literature collection. Naturally, the outcomes are reported to everyone through presentations using PowerPoint.

■ Senior Seminars I & II, Earnest research starts

Even those seminar students who struggled to find a research theme ultimately discover highly intriguing and unique topics. Since each student progresses in research with different themes, they share inspiration with each other, gradually increasing the enthusiasm for their studies. Though it involves the repetition of "mundane tasks," it undeniably cultivates "critical thinking" skills.

Examples of research themes include: Subtitles in movies or dramas, Slang among youth, English education, Cultural portrayals in movies, Educational practices in Japan and other countries (such as the Netherlands or Finland), Translation studies of Pokémon names worldwide, Differences in humor between Japanese and English, and English manga into teaching. The students tackle a diverse range of themes, showcasing their unique perspectives and creative approaches. Their imaginative thinking and keen observations never cease to amaze!

■ Presenting Research Results Through English Presentations

Research results are presented repeatedly through presentations in English. During the question and answer session, unexpected questions are posed, further deepening the subsequent research. Some students may initially struggle with speaking in public, but they become more accustomed to it through repetition. This process enhances practical skills that are valuable in society. After the final presentation, the research findings are compiled into an English paper. Every year, seminar students produce outstanding papers. While it is a challenging subject for students, completing the research fills them with "a sense of accomplishment that cannot be expressed in words."

The future will surely be bright. We anticipate your transformative journey over the next four years, turning uncertainties into a confident "Yes, I can do." The EAGL Department welcomes everyone who shares the department's goals. Aim High, Fly High! Think Simple, Think Different, & Think EAGL!