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  5. 【インターンシップ】3 Day Internship at Sunday Morning Factory in Fukuoka



【インターンシップ】3 Day Internship at Sunday Morning Factory in Fukuoka

EAGL Students had the opportunity to learn about the Clothing industry at Sunday Morning Factory which is based in Fukuoka city. Sunday Morning Factory is a social business enterprise which is a part of Borderless Japan Coorporation. Sunday Morning Factory markets baby clothes which are made in their factory in Bangladesh.

What did the interns do during their 3-day internship?

The interns were given opportunities to learn about the company, Sunday Morning Factory and the clothing business. They discovered why the business was set up. They also learned about fast fashion and how consumers can make sustainable decisions when buying clothes. Sunday Morning Factory has a manufacturing plant in Bangladesh and EAGL students had the opportunity to visit the factory in Bangladesh, on-line, of course! They were able to meet and speak with the people working in the factory.

Not only did they meet some of the workers in the factory, but they also had the opportunity to meet some of the children at the ‘Kids School’ which is a school affiliated with the factory.

The interns had a marvelous opportunity to teach an on-line class to the children in Bangladesh. In addition, the interns had the valuable opportunity to learn about how to market a new product as well.

What did the interns learn about the clothing industry?

The interns were given the opportunity to meet the people who make the clothes. They were able to make a connection between the clothes manufactured in a far-away country such as Bangladesh and their own shopping experiences. The interns were able to learn about some of the working conditions that exist in the fast fashion industry. In fact, some of the interns mentioned how wonderful it was to be working for the good of others, in other words, to be trying to reduce poverty on a daily basis.

They were able to experience first-hand the connection between education and poverty through meeting the children in Bangladesh. In summary, the interns were given a rare insight into how a product is developed, manufactured and brought to market. Not only did they experience the business side of this model, but they were also given some insight into the ‘social’ side of the business.

How did the interns find teaching on-line?

The EAGL students enjoyed producing a power point lesson for the children in Bangladesh. They had to work together as a team, share ideas and advise each other as they built a lesson. By all accounts, the interns enjoyed preparing for the lesson and the children really enjoyed the lesson. The EAGL students impressed not only with their English skills, but also with their confidence in speaking in an inter-cultural setting.

What about the Marketing a new brand?

The interns were tasked with preparing a presentation which focused on developing a new brand. The students were able to realize that the number of people involved in bringing one idea to fruition is great and that learning to think about something from many different perspectives is so important. In particular, the importance of working as a team and respecting different opinions or viewpoints is so important in trying to build something together.

Did the internship change the students in any way?

Yes, it seemed to have taught students to look at things in a wider sense. Also, some of the students decided to challenge themselves more by taking more a lead in the future even though they find this difficult to do. One of the students felt that the internship had raised their awareness of the reality of poverty as a social problem and the importance of action. Another student stated the internship had required a lot of output from them and as a result they had developed a greater confidence in themselves and in finding a job that they really wanted to do.

Sunday Morning Factory Comment:

The company praised EAGL students for their commitment during their 3 days with them. The interns were particularly praised for their positive attitude and for asking lots of questions. Some of the students were praised for taking leadership roles at different points and also for challenging themselves in different situations. Overall, Sunday Morning Factory was very happy with the interns!

EAGL Student Comments:


②とても濃くて充実した3日間を過ごすことが出来ました。突然意見を求められたり、突然プレゼンテーションを行なったり、自分の苦手なことばかりの内容でしたが、悩む時間もないくらいに多くのことを考えて準備をしましたので、発表中はとても楽しく終わった後は達成感と充実感に満たされました。自分がこのような環境の中で楽しめたことが大変驚きで、Sunday Morning Factory様でインターンシップができてよかったと、心から思っています。また、社員様が同社に入社された動機などについてのお話も聞くことが出来て、とても興味深かったです。

③今回のインターンシップでSunday Morning Factory様の大まかなお仕事を体験することができました。マーケティング、英語教育、商品ができるまでのお手伝い、プレゼンテーションなどを通して多くのことを学ぶことができました。また、自分の苦手なこと、社会人になるまでに伸ばすべき点を見つけることができました。さらに、自分の長所や他己分析をしたことで、自分では見つけることのできない自分の良さを知るなど、新たな気付きを得ることができました。このインターンシップで学んだことを、これからの就職活動や社会人生活の中で役立てられるように頑張りたいと思います。

④自分自身が1年次に興味を持った企業のインターンシップに参加できたという点で、とても貴重な経験になりました。また、SDGS や国際協力などの関心のあった分野を実際の仕事として起業されている方たちのお話を聞くことで、このインターンシップに参加する前の目標として掲げていた「世界の社会問題解決に向けて自分自身は何ができるか」ということの答を、最初の一歩として見つけられたことが自分自身の大きな成長につながりました。また、このインターンシップに参加したからこそ、新たに興味をもてる分野も発見できました。このことは今後の私自身の将来ビジョンにも大きく影響すると考えます。以上から、今回のインターンシップに参加して、大変良かったと思います。