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  5. 【授業紹介】"Test Taking Skills I"(担当:Doyle准教授)



【授業紹介】"Test Taking Skills I"(担当:Doyle准教授)

‘Aim high, Fly high’  

国際英語学科には1年次の必修科目として「Test Taking Skills I」を設けています。今回は科目担当の Doyle准教授に英語力育成についてインタビューを試みました。最後に受講者の声が英語で書かれています。ぜひご一読下さい。

Q1. What is the aim of this class?

The aim of this class is to prepare for the TOEIC test.

Especially, to help students remember strategies so that they can take the test in an easier, less stressful way. This class meets once a week.

Q2. What do you do in this class?

In this class, we look at how to take the test. Of course, we practice with actual test questions but we also work on our strategy for taking the test, what is the best way to answer questions more effectively. For example, in the reading part of the test, there are different types of questions – from easy to more difficult ones. One of the most difficult questions is the NOT question. Students learn to leave this question until the end – in other words, don’t use all of your time on this question and then end up not answering some of the easier questions.

Q3. Do you have a textbook?

Yes, we do. Take a look at the photo. There are a range of listening and reading exercises to improve student scores on the TOEIC test.

Q4. What do you really need to gain a higher TOEIC score?

Well, a strong vocabulary is really essential for a higher TEOIC score. The TOEIC vocabulary is a particular vocabulary so students must develop ways to remember and be able to understand how to use the vocabulary. We aim for a score of 730 or higher by the time our students get to their Senior Year. And an important strategy in helping students to increase their vocabulary is teaching in different ways. Students work in pairs, groups and of course, on their own. In this way, students both challenge and help each other. Here we have students making their own crosswords and then solving each other’s crosswords.

■ Student Comments:

S.T.さん(Kanoya High School 鹿屋高等学校, Kagoshima):

I think this class is so good for me. This class is so fun and sometimes so dedicated. The class that I enjoyed the most is the one we made a crossword in each group and then do the one made by another group.


M.H.さん(Sasebo Commercial High School 佐世保商業高校, Nagasaki):

I think this class is a great fit for me and I can prepare for TOEIC while having fun. I have never taken TOEIC before, it is very useful to learn what I need to pay attention to and what trends to watch for when taking the test. In addition to that, this class is small and I will be asked to speak up a lot in class, so I can learn to respond in English immediately.


N.Y.さん(Kokubu High School 鹿児島県立国分高等学校, Kagoshima):

The classes are very informative.  I am able to learn new words and grammar in every class.  The class format is very good because I can express my opinions and answers in front of the whole class, which helps me to be more proactive.


M.S.さん(Luther High School ルーテル学院高等学校, Kumamoto):

I have some English words which I don’t know in this class. So, I want to remember them by enjoying playing games.


K.T.さん(Chikushijogakuen 筑紫女学園高等学校, Fukuoka):

You can learn how to solve the TOEIC test in this class. Also, you can acquire how to solve many problems speedily. It is a great time for me.