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  5. Would you like to turn your dream of studying at a university/college in Japan into a reality?



Would you like to turn your dream of studying at a university/college in Japan into a reality?

Are you a female learner of Japanese who wants to study at a university or college in Japan but your Japanese is not good enough or cannot afford the tuition fees? Then studying at Fukuoka Jo Gakuin Junior College may be an option for you. At our junior college (known as tandai in Japanese), students take various courses taught in English as well as other courses offered in Japanese. Those of you whose Japanese is not as good as most universities in Japan expect can still apply for our two-year degree program. We have various funding options available for international students as well.

If you would like to find out more about us, come to Fukuoka Jo Gakuin's open day on Sunday 14 May 2023 (Book from here).  This is your chance to get an actual taste of life at Fukuoka Jo Gakuin. You'll hear directly from our friendly staff and students on all aspects of student life at Fukuoka Jo Gakuin, including what you will be learning in what kind of environment, how you can apply for the program, and how you'll be supported financially. 

How to find us
[JR Rail and Nishitetu bus from Hakata]
Southbound train from Hakata (博多) to Minami Fukuoka (南福岡) - 6 to 9 minutes
Bus #45 from Minami Fukuoka to Hosojo-mae (放送所前) - about 12 minutes
Walk to Fukuoka Jo Gakuin - 400 meters

[Nishitetsu Rail and bus from Fukuoka Tenjin]
Southbound train from Fukuoka Tenjin (福岡天神) to Ijiri (井尻) - 16 to 22 minutes
Bus #45 from Ijiri-eki nishiguchi (井尻駅西口) to Hosojo-mae (放送所前) - about 9 minutes
Walk to Fukuoka Jo Gakuin - 400 meters

Or simply click the link below to find us on Google Map.