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  5. Dr Doyle's Eye No.1: Women's right to vote



Dr Doyle's Eye No.1: Women's right to vote

Dr Doyle's Eye(ドイル博士の目)

イギリスの名探偵小説『シャーロック・ホームズ』を書いたのはスコットランド出身のコナン・ドイル(Dr Conan Doyle)ですが、国際英語学科にはアイルランド出身のシェーン・ドイル博士(Dr Shane Doyle)がいます。SDGsに関心を持ち社会学的視点から英語を研究しています。これから「ドイル博士の目」と題して社会問題について(不定期ではありますが)英語でメッセージを発信していきます。国際英語学科に進学を考えている方、また、単に英語に興味がある方はぜひご一読下さい。

Women's Right to Vote

Women in Japan were granted the right to vote in 1945. In the first election that women could vote in, 67% of eligible women turned out to vote! In the last general election in Japan, 55.80% of eligible women turned out to vote. Wouldn’t it be great if this number went up to nearly 100%!

History of Right to Vote for Women in Japan

Many people say it is thanks to the American Occupation that women were granted the right to vote in Japan. And yes, the Americans did extend the right to vote for women in 1945, but did you know that many women had already been fighting for the right to vote in Japan before this?

The idea of women’s right to vote started in the 1900’s but the first organization set up in 1920 to improve women’s lives in education, employment and suffrage was called Shin Fujin Kyokai (The New Women’s Association). It was set up by Hiratsuka Raicho, Ichikawa Fusae* and Oku Mumeo. These women were true hero’s as they actively promoted the rights of women to participate fully in society. It was because of these women that the right to vote was granted so quickly after the War.

*Ichikawa Fusae (1893-1981:  Women’s Rights Activist, Feminist & Politician)


SDGs and Gender Equality

Nowadays, we learn about the importance of SDG’s and how significant gender equality is to all 17 SDG’s. Perhaps it is fair to say that these women were the pioneers of the SDG’s and the goals that they are trying to achieve!