今回はカナダの”Sprott Shaw Language College” (SSLC)のCommunication For Airline Cabin Crew Training programを紹介します。このプログラムではZoomを使用して、客室乗務員として必要とされる英語でのコミュニケーションを学びます。また、航空業界への就職のための応募書類(送付状・履歴書)の書き方、面接での英語による自己表現、コミュニケーションテクニック等を学びます。
-understand required skills for managing customers
-learn expressions and vocabulary for problem solving, seat assignments, personality, emotions, safety, emergencies etc.
-learn safety strategies in flight and how to communicate and keep calm in emergency
-learn how to write a resume, cover letter, complete a job application form
-learn where to find cabin crew job postings, the typical employment package in the industry, hiring and training process
-participate in role plays, scenarios, mock interviews, and discussions to practice the skills they learned during the lessons