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  5. 短期大学部 オンライン授業紹介2「発音クリニック」



短期大学部 オンライン授業紹介2「発音クリニック」

オンライン授業では対面授業の際とは違った環境で、英語のスキルを磨きます。オンライン授業ではビデオ通話で英語の発音トレーニングを行えます。今回の記事では短期大学部のStella Millikan先生の「発音クリニック」の授業を紹介します。

今回紹介する内容は、/t/ /d/ and /ed/という英語の発音練習です。物語を使用して、その中に出てくる英語の音(今回は上の3つ)をターゲットにして朗読を通して発音を学びます。授業では、まず物語を聞いて、サマリーを書きます(内容をまとめます)。そのサマリーを教員にチェックしてもらったあと、発表の練習をします。発表後には教員からの発音アドバイスがあります。この学習方法は発音だけでなく、リスニング力も養える方法です。一度お試しください(英語字幕モードをオンにして英文を見ることが出来ます)。



In this class we did a "Storytelling Pronunciation Test." Though we did various children's stories over the 2020 Spring semester, I want to share the one called, "Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me" by Eric Carle.


 Students had learned the -ed past tense verb sounds: /t/ /d/ and /ed/. 

This story, Papa get the moon, has quite a few of them: reached, hugged, danced, touched, jumped, looked, played, wanted and disappeared. Therefore, it was used as an assessment tool. 


First students watched and listened to the short story during the online lesson. After understanding the story, they created a short summary of the story. After the teacher's grammar check, the students practiced telling their stories. Finally, their unique summary was used in a Speaking-Pronunciation test which they did in front of the entire class on Google Meet. 


Normally, in face to face lessons students would be required to memorize their stories and tell them individually to the instructor. However, since it was an online class, students were not required to memorize their story and spoke in front of the entire class. The instructor provided immediate feedback after each student's storytelling as the whole class benefitted from hearing one another. Afterwards, students who made mispronunciations were given the opportunity to record their corrections as homework.
