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  5. Junior Seminar 【Sherriffゼミ:言語学 Linguistics】



Junior Seminar 【Sherriffゼミ:言語学 Linguistics】


Daryl Sherriff 教授

Let me introduce myself. My name is Daryl Sherriff and I teach Linguistics in the Department of English as a Global Language (EAGL).
I am originally from the U.K. but I have been living in Japan for several years.


What is the study of Linguistics?

Linguistics looks at language from a very analytical point of view.
In the classes at Fukuoka Jo Gakuin, Semantics examines sentence meaning or literal meaning. In Japanese this is 文字通り

Pragmatics looks at speaker meaning, not simply 文字通り. Speakers of a language do not always speak directly. We often need to infer or guess their meaning. So Pragmatics looks at the different inferences that we make and why we make them.

What Linguistics classes do you teach at the EAGL department?

We have one-semester courses in Semantics, Pragmatics, and Language and Thought.
Semantics is the study of sentence meaning. It tries to explain what the literal meaning of a sentence (or sentence part) is and how people understand it.

Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, or what a person intends to express by the words used. Unlike Semantics, Pragmatics includes the analysis of human intentions.

Language and Thought
This is an introduction to the philosophy of language. We will look at some important issues in the philosophy of thought and language.


Why study it? 言語学の魅力とは?なぜこの専門分野を学ぶのですか?

There are two main reasons for studying Linguistics. One is if you have a love for understanding how language works and want to make a career of it. The other is if you have a love of analysis and logical thinking.
Whatever career you undertake in the future, analytical skills together with a logical mind are essential. Apart from that, studying Linguistics requires a great deal of thought and also is a lot of fun.


Is there anything students can do to prepare while they are still in high school? 高校時代から準備できることはありますか?

The key is being open-minded and willing to question. This means not accepting things easily. It means having a sense of doubt. Be inquisitive, be curious and be positive in everything that you approach! Find what you really want to do and pursue it with passion!! 


Lastly, please give your message to the readers. 最後にメッセージをお願いします。

The best thing about the current situation is that we have more time to think for ourselves. We become more aware of what is really important in our lives. This is a great chance to discover things. Embrace this time, learn from it, think for yourself and also see the value of community.

Mr. Sherriff also teaches Film Analysis for his Seminar (ゼミ) course.


Here are some comments from Mr. Sherriff’s Junior Seminar course in 2020.



英語でコミュニケーションをとることが基本のゼミなので、英語を聞き取るだけでなく、自分の意見を伝える力を伸ばすことができると考え、このゼミを選びました。映画を観て、それに関する自分の考えや、映画のgood point/weak pointをディスカッションします。同じ映画でも、みんなの意見がここまで違うのかと感じることが多く、それぞれの価値観を感じることができ、興味深かったです。また、英語の文法や単語が完璧でなくても、似たようなニュアンスやボキャブラリーを使えば言いたいことは伝わるのだなぁと感じ、話すことに積極的になれたのは、成長できたことだと思います。また、同じような意見を持っている子たちでも、違う表現をしている部分もたくさんあって、いろいろなことを学べました。ゼミは少人数であるため、1人1人の意見が生きていることを実感しました。またオンラインだからこそ、みんなの発言一つひとつを聞き逃さないよう注目できたと思います。前期は、自分の意見を発表して、先生や友達の意見を聞き取ることに精一杯でしたが、後期は新たに質問をしてみたり、さらに深いところに興味を持ってみたり「会話」をもっと大切にしていきたいと思います。



このゼミを選んだ理由は映画が好きなこと、また先生が外国の方なので英語で授業を受けられることからです。Google Meetを使って授業が行われ、映画の内容について英語でディスカッションし、自分とは異なる意見や考えを知ることができ授業中も楽しく過ごすことができました。また、いろんな映画に触れることによって、海外の文化やネイティブがよく使うカジュアルなフレーズなども学ぶことができ楽しく英語を学ぶことができます。ゼミは、普通の授業と違って少人数で行われるため、先生との距離が近く話しやすくて、授業中も積極的に発言することができます。レポートは全て英語での提出なので、最初は大変だけど、ボキャブラリーも身につきます









I have been in the U.S. for six months, and I really wanted to keep up my English in Japan. In this Seminar, through watching many kinds of movies, we shared our thoughts about each topic, in English. It is one of the reasons why I chose Mr. Sherriff’s Seminar class. (日訳: 留学でアメリカに半年間滞在した経験から、日本でも英語を話すことを継続したいと考えていました。Sherriffゼミでは様々な種類の映画を通じて学んだことを、英語で意見交換できるので、私にとって理想的なゼミ内容だと思い選びました。)
There were many interesting movies. Especially “'The Intern”, one of the American movies was interesting. In this movie, there was a scene in which the main character who is a working mother was criticized by other mom-friends because of her lifestyle and her job title as the president of her clothing company. I never knew that Americans have stereotypes that all men should work outside and women should stay at home. I thought that it was happening only in Japan, so that was a little bit shocking. In addition, new graduates are not easily hired in America. I would love to work in the U.S. in the future, so I felt that information was helpful.
In this Seminar, we can improve our English speaking skills. To be honest, I didn’t like watching movies even when they were in Japanese. However, fortunately I found the best movie that suits my interests through this seminar. I was so glad to hear Mr. Sherriff saying "Thank you for your contribution, Shoko." I will keep up my active attitude.