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  5. イマージョンコース留学報告1 ( New Zealand編 )



イマージョンコース留学報告1 ( New Zealand編 )


今回はNew Zealandに留学した、N.F.さんの留学報告を紹介します。

 I went to New Zealand to study English and New Zealand culture from February 1st to February 29th.

 I chose New Zealand because I had never been to any other English countries than the United States before. Also, I wanted to know about the religion and the history of the Maori people. I knew the name, Maori but I didn’t know anything about them. Therefore, in my language school, New Zealand Studies as an elective class was very attractive to me. In the class, I learned about the customs of New Zealanders and some Maori languages. I wanted to master the New Zealand accent. Because I want to be an international person in the future, I have to be good at communicating with various people in English. There are a lot of kinds of English accents and words in New Zealand and I always had a hard time understanding what people said in New Zealand accent. I wanted to understand them more easily, so I went to New Zealand to improve my English skills and also I wanted to expand my future paths.

 I studied English at AUT, which stands for Auckland University of Technology International House. There were 16-18 students in each class and there were people from many different countries. About 35 percent were Chinese or Korean, about 10 percent were Saudi Arabic, and others were Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Russian, Taiwanese and so on.

 I really had a great time in New Zealand for a month. I had many experiences that I could not do in Japan. Also, this was my first time to go abroad by myself, so I got confidence to do things by myself and I think I got much braver than before. While staying in New Zealand, I tried to take actions positively every time. I didn’t hesitate to do anything. I wanted to try everything that I could, so I did many things that I wanted to.


留学先をニュージーランドにした理由は、イマージョンコース語学留学の留学先の項目にある英語圏の国にはほとんど行ったことがあったのですが、ニュージーランドには行ったことがなかったためニュージーランドを選びました。また、原住民のマオリについて学びたかったからです。マオリという言葉は知っていたのですが、その文化については知らなかったため現地で学びたいと思いました。語学学校の選択授業ではNew Zealand Studies を選択し、ニュージーランドの文化やマオリ語について学ぶことができました。 そしてニュージーランドで使われる英語の発音を勉強しマスターすることを目標としました。私は将来国際的に活躍できる人材になりたいと思っているので、あらゆる人々とコミュニケーションをとる必要があります。

私が1ヵ月間通った語学学校の名前はAuckland University of Technology International House、 略してAUT です。1クラスに16~18人のさまざまな国籍の留学生がいました。全体の35%が中国人や韓国人、11%がアラブ系、その他はタイ人、ベトナム人、ロシア人、台湾人、日本人でした。
