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  5. (授業紹介)Reading and Writing Skills (国際キャリア学科1年必修科目、担当:ロバート・ハルス)



(授業紹介)Reading and Writing Skills (国際キャリア学科1年必修科目、担当:ロバート・ハルス)


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以下は「Reading and Writing Skills 」を担当しているロバート・ハルス先生(Mr.Robert Hulse、英国出身)による授業紹介です。

Reading and Writing Skills (担当:ロバート・ハルス)

In this course, we will combine reading and writing activities in class and all who attend will have the opportunity to express their ideas on the topics raised.  The main goal is to focus on how to communicate clearly and effectively. All participants will cover varying issues and topics; together students discover answers to questions posed gaining knowledge and a deeper insight into the topics touched upon. We will focus on how to use and present work in a clear and concise manner.

Students are able to submit their work online, and have access to extra material via smart phones/tablet/desk top computer. We will use technology to play online games, watch video and access interesting articles using an online workbook. Students will be given the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas on the topics raised. Assignments will also comprise of contemporary topics implementing skills, vocabulary and grammar studied in class. All who attend will also be given freedom to read books outside of the classroom that are of interest to them. This will personalize the learning process and give the opportunity to put into writing what they have read. As a class everyone will also be given opportunities to discuss what they have read; this is leading towards enhanced vocabulary and comprehension of written English.
