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  5. (学生生活)International Day!国際交流イベントを開催しました!



(学生生活)International Day!国際交流イベントを開催しました!


国際キャリア学科には、中国、ネパール、ベトナム、スリランカ、フィリピン、ミャンマーなどのアジア諸国からの留学生も在籍しています。これら留学生の出身国の文化を日本人の学生により知ってもらい、交流を深める目的で、M.Oさん(鹿児島県立加治木高等学校出身)とネパールからの留学生のD.Pさん(東アジア日本語学校出身)の二人の3年生が企画したのが、今回、紹介する国際交流イベント「International Day」です。



以下は「International Day」を企画・運営した二人のコメントです。




「International Day」を企画して、いろいろなことを学びました。準備の段階から最後の片付けまでたくさんの方々と関わることができ、留学生からも日本人学生とも、留学生同士でも絆が深まったという感想をいただきました。それぞれの国の民族衣装を展示し、国ごとのブースにテーマを与えるとともに、各国の音楽も流して、アジアの雰囲気を出すよう試みました。来場者にも民族衣装の試着をしていただきました。ポスター、ポップ、看板作りなども全部、日本語に書きましたので、留学生には日本語で自分の国の紹介をする挑戦にもなりました。最後にはクイズでおおいに盛り上がりました。普段、めったに口にできない様々な国の飲み物や食べ物を楽しんでいる参加者の姿を見て、またこのような企画をしたいと思いました。アンケートにも「参加してよかった」という声が多く、嬉しかったです。大学の学生課の方々や先生方、このような貴重な体験をさせて頂いたことを心より感謝します。

Our university provides grant to students who take initiatives to plan and implement projects in order to get more students involved in challenging themselves as well as to enhance their leadership. This year my friend and I decided to organize an “International Day” with the cooperation of all international students studying in our university. Unlike other international days organized in different schools we decided to import popular snacks, sweets and drinks from 11 different countries in Asia including Japan. The number of international students is rising year by year but, we hardly get time to interact and foster friendship among us. Hence, the main goal of our project was to conduct the cultural exchange between foreign students and Japanese students. After our proposal was approved by Students Affair Department, we formed a group of 12 members to discuss about how, what and when to import. Our target was to invite around 100 students.

At the first phase, we decided to organize the event at the school’s cafeteria on 26th of January. We asked each student from Nepal, China, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar to place the order and continued preparing for the event from our side. As ICD department conducts study tour to Cambodia and Thailand, we also decided to include these two countries. We printed out flyers, used our Facebook and Instagram accounts to promote the event in our school and friends from universities too. After all the preparations were completed, we requested our friends to participate as volunteers to decorate and design booths for each country. On the main day, we drew the outline map of Asia on the floor and placed the booths in exact location as in the map. This also helped participants to know where respective countries are located. Each booth consisted of a flag, a panel with each country’s general information, simple greetings and pictures of famous places. Few cultural dresses were also decorated near booths. We displayed the drinks, sweets and snacks with Japanese hand-written pops on each item with basic introduction. Each participant was handed a program schedule and a survey form. We played the classical music of each nation as the background music and assigned each booth with topic to carry out the conversation related to culture, food, movies, drama, fashion, lifestyle etc. Cafeteria was filled with laughers and talks which made the atmosphere exciting. And, it got even more interesting when the quiz was conducted with sweets as prizes from different countries. Participants were busy taking pictures and asking about the snacks they saw for the first time.

The event overall was a great success. We were very pleased to see participants enjoying the snacks and drinks, along with fun conversations. I think the “International Day” not only allowed Japanese students to know more about different countries, but also allowed international students to present their culture and costume to their friends through food. As an organizer, we got the opportunity to work with different departments of our school. We are very thankful to our teachers, school staff and friends for their full support. We hope to continue this as the culture of our department every year with new excitement and more creativity. We even received the word of praise and compliments. Few messages from the participants are as follows; “I was very happy to talk with foreign students, all snacks were delicious”, “I learned few words from my Vietnamese friend”, “Sweets from other countries are sweeter than in Japan”, “Thank you for organizing this event, we hope to take part in coming years too.”, “I could wear Nepali traditional dress for the first time, everyone praised on how I looked. Thank you!” 

左:ミャンマーのことを紹介できててもうれしいと語るK. K. さん(国際キャリア学科1年生、FLA学院出身)



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国境を越え、深まった友情!  We did it!


ICD *I Can Do
International Career Development
