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  5. ICD Students from Nepal will be dancing to encourage the people of Kumamoto



ICD Students from Nepal will be dancing to encourage the people of Kumamoto


訂正版福女パンチャカンニャメンバー5人.jpgOn March 25th and 26th, a memorial event, “Kyushu Gassai Festival”, will be held in Kumamoto City, and the ICD dancing team, Fukujo Panchakanya, will take part in the event. The dancing team is comprised of three Nepalese students and two Japanese students.

Panchakanya means “five women”. As we all remember, Nepal suffered from the devastating earthquake two years ago, and the house of Miss D.P.’s family was partially destroyed.
Miss D.P. said, “We want to encourage people in Kumamoto, who are working hard for the reconstruction. When the earthquake hit Nepal, our teachers and friends at ICD made the project “Friends without Borders”, which was a huge encouragement for us. I also appreciate that people in Japan supported the reconstructionl in Nepal. I would like to dance with my friends to show our sincere gratitude.”

