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  5. (授業紹介)Communication Strategy(2年後期選択科目、担当:蘭紅艶)



(授業紹介)Communication Strategy(2年後期選択科目、担当:蘭紅艶)


009__small[1].jpgCommunication Strategy is an activity class conducted all in English. Its main focus is on conflict management. Conflict is an inevitable phenomenon in daily life. Although some cultures such as Japan may not see conflict positively and try to avoid it so as to maintain harmony, it is ubiquitous and managing conflict efficiently is extremely important in our everyday communication.


In each class, the participants work together as teams on various tasks with different foci such as diversity, trust, collaboration, and creativity. Through experiencing all kinds of negative emotions such as pressure, stress, frustration that may be caused by the conflict occurred in teamwork, the participants will also try to manage and solve the above problems in order to complete the tasks successfully, build synergy, as well as polish their communication skills. As a final goal, they will have a taste of positive results such as good teamwork, happiness of reaching a goal together, a strong sense of accomplishment and many other positive aspects. This class is designed for the participants to become more cultural sensitive, which is, to be more aware of other perspectives, more conscious of one’s own culture and other cultures, therefore be more open-minded.


There is also a team project which is inspired by Tina Seelig’s “Five-Dollar Challenge”. Participants are encouraged to integrate what they have learned in class and maximize the value of the resources distributed to them within a period of two weeks. Participants should maintain good teamwork and be creative in order to generate the most value as they can. To do this, team members should brainstorm, find the best plan and take action. At the end of the second week, they will present their achievements in class.


Through the above activities and project, the participants should be able to reflect on their own communication styles, ready to take challenges, develop better teamwork, and become more effective communicators.



H.Sさん( 明光学園高等学校出身)



In the classes of ‟Communication Strategy” for fall semester, we learned about conflict through various interesting activities in group. We enjoyed the class a lot and at the same time we were able to know about different reasons, effects, and ways of resolving conflicts. Most interesting part of the class was our final project. We were divided in several teams and each team was given different things to bring out the best value from it within two weeks. We had a very practical chance of learning and experiencing what we studied in our class. 








1年次の必修科目であった‟Introduction to Communication”をベースに、この授業では主にconflict(対立)について学びました。他人とのコミュニケーションを通して発生する対立がどのようにして起こり、それにどう対応するかなど学ぶとともに、自分の性格など知る機会にもなりました。毎回の授業で1つか2つのアクティビティをしながら授業をするので、とても楽しく受講することができました。この科目は社会人になってからも使えることを学ぶことができ、とてもためになる授業だと思います。 

Y.Nさん( 山口県立長府高等学校出身)





私がこの‟Communication Strategy”を取った理由は、前期の長期留学の経験から、自分のコミュニケーション力をさらにあげようと思ったからです。実際に、授業で様々なことを学びました。その一つとして、共同作業を行うときに自分はどのように動いたらチームのためになるのかを学んだことです。人のために動くには、まずは自分の性格をよく知っておかなければなりません。このようなことも含め、アクティビティを通して、自分の短所はもちろんのこと、長所を再確認することが出来ました。活動が主なので、とても楽しい授業でした。


‟Communication Strategy”の授業はグループワークが多く、そのなかで自分では考え付かないようなアイディアを教えあうことができて、とても楽しかったと思います。
