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  5. ​授業紹介: Analysis and Discussion Ⅰ/Ⅱ(担当:Gregory J. O’Keefe)



​授業紹介: Analysis and Discussion Ⅰ/Ⅱ(担当:Gregory J. O’Keefe)


授業紹介: Analysis and Discussion Ⅰ/Ⅱ(担当:Gregory J. O’Keefe)


以下では前回に引き続きグレゴリー・オキーフ先生(Mr. Gregory J. O’Keefe、米国・ボストン出身、九州大学卒)がもうひとつの担当授業である「Analysis and Discussion Ⅰ/Ⅱ」を紹介します。

This course challenges students comfort zones by combining presentation skills and understanding ways to approach conflicting opinions through the debate process.  These two skills that will be incredibly useful in future careers. A wide variety of current social discussions are used to practice these two skills.


First, students begin the lesson by reading a short essay on the topic provided in the text. We discuss vocabulary meanings and then specific phrases used in the passage.  Students then start to prepare debate points in small groups. This group preparation is vital.  If students are left on their own, they tend to remain quiet.

I also assure students that the opinions expressed aren't their own, they are only a part of the exercise. After they prepare their points, the teacher moderates their debate. The moderator provides talking points to motivate the conversation to develop and move forward if necessary, but also tries to remain passive if the students are talking on their own.


The next step after the students have debated the topic is to create a presentation on the subject. Students take a position on the topic at hand and then present it in front of the class. This is also a big challenge for them. They gather facts on their selected topic and try to set it up in an easy to understand format.  Many are shy and have difficulty speaking in front of people, but after a few tries the majority of students progress.


Every student has a different level and needs to be shown how to progress from their current level rather than a universal one for all students. Also through observing the presentations of other students, they can evaluate themselves and learn new techniques from not only the teacher but from each other.

Gregory J. O’Keefe
