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  5. ​授業紹介:Communication Strategy (2年後期、担当:Hongyan Lan)



​授業紹介:Communication Strategy (2年後期、担当:Hongyan Lan)


Communication Strategy (2年後期、担当:Hongyan Lan)


Communication Strategy is an elective course that aims to increase the awareness of different perspectives on major communication issues such as conflict, therefore to improve our communication competence and have mutual understanding with others, and to build trust through interaction with others. 

The course covers a wide range of topics including understanding conflict, communication, diversity, emotional intelligence as well as trust and collaboration. In each class, the students work as groups on various tasks with a certain focus. Every task is designed to improve the awareness of one of the above mentioned topics. By working together, the students get a chance to experiment their communication skills and explore their perspectives and the limitations. 


The tasks may sound very simple. For instance, in one task “Take a walk” which focuses on diversity, the team members are required to take one step toward their partners if they find out one similarity. On the contrary, if they find a difference, they should each step back once. By repeating moving back and forth, getting closer and further from time to time, they come to know more about each other, discovering more similarities and differences, therefore learn to appreciate the benefits of diversity. Tasks like this are practiced, and after each task, the students will discuss their feedback and opinions in groups, and see how they can apply what they have learned to their real communication in daily life.


Apart from the tasks, the students also get a chance to practice their learning by working on a project as a choice. The students can either choose to write a 2000 word report or work on the project. This year, out of 47 participants, 17 volunteered to work on the project.They formed groups by themselves, and with the deposit (either a certain amount of money or something), they worked as different teams and came back to class with astounding results in just two weeks.

One group made four times of profit by selling bakery to their peers; some others got different rewards totally out of their expectation. Either way, they had to communication with others. As a result, they’ve come to realize how diverse people’s values are, and how important it is to be empathetic and flexible when interacting with others. This project has provided them an opportunity to get to know others better as well as themselves.


In summary, in order to become more competent and strategic, there is a great need to know why our counterparts are doing something in the ways they have chosen. Understanding this is very crucial before we rush for judgement. In other words, if we want to be good communicators, we have to welcome diversity, and be open-minded, see conflicts as opportunities instead of problems. Knowing ourselves is equally important as knowing how we are reflected in others. In this sense, we can say that this course is also a self-exploration journey. 


The following is some of the feedback from students:













