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  5. 川端ゼミ 国連大学・放送局訪問 報告① UNU visitation report 1



川端ゼミ 国連大学・放送局訪問 報告① UNU visitation report 1


川端教授は2014年に国際英語学科に就任する前は、国際連合本部(New York, USA)に政務官として勤め安全保障理事会を担当していました。アフガニスタンの国連和平活動やイラク危機の際の国連外交の様子は著書にまとめられています。

今回は日本にある国連機関、国連大学本部をゼミ生9名(人文学部英語学科)と訪ね、国連の働きについて関係者から講義を受けました。国連大学には本学卒業の岩橋美智子さんが UNICEF Executive Assistant として働いています。岩橋さんに大学内を案内して頂きました。

まず案内して頂いたのはアジア初の国連事務総長(第3代) U Thant(ウ・タント)氏の名前が付けられた国際会議場「U Thant International Conference Hall」です。ここで国際フォーラムが多数開催されるとのことでした。








Professor Kawabata used to work for the United Nations in New York, USA. He was in charge of the Security Council, which was one of the most important organisations in the UN.

He wrote several books on the roles which the UN played for Afghanistan and Iraq. He came back to Japan in 2013, and became professor in the Department of English as a Global Language (EAGL) in 2014.

Prof. Kawabata and his nine seminar students visited the United Nations University and TV Asahi in Tokyo on 30 and 31 July 2015. This is the first of his reports.

At UN University Ms Michiko Iwahashi, who graduated from Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University, works as UNICEF executive assistant, and she guided the students at UNU.

First, they visited the U Thant International Conference Hall, named after Mr U Thant, who served from 1961 to 1971 as the first Secretary General from Asia. International forums are frequently held in this hall.

Then the students visited the UNU library, which held important documents and books published by the UN. 

The next blog will report their visit to the offices of UNHCR and UNIC inside the UNU.