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模擬授業 English for Young Learners

本日(2015/8/23)Mini Open Campus が開催されました。

国際英語学科では平田准教授が「English for Young Learners」と題して本学の「児童英語教育指導員養成コース」の紹介を行いました。






The Mini Open Campus event was held today. Dr Hirata gave a workshop titled "English for Young Learners". The Department of English as a Global Language (EAGL) has a teacher-training course for young English learners.

The present guidelines by MEXT (the Ministry of Education) require primary schools to have a class called foreign language activities. It is said, however, that the MEXT will introduce foreign language activity classes at the third-grade and English classes at the fifth grade at primary schools in the near future.

The EAGL has two instructors in this field. As globalisation proceeds, professional teachers in this field will be needed at schools. The department provides opportunities to study this area as one of your career choices.