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  5. 川端教授 報道記事紹介 2015.8.12 毎日新聞



川端教授 報道記事紹介 2015.8.12 毎日新聞



「対米依存に危うさも。集団安全保障 国連を通し強化を」



Professor Kawabata's opinion on collective security was introduced in the column of Mainichi Shinbun on 12 August 2015. He maintained in the article that it would be significant to strengthen the role of collective security through the United Nations.

One of the study areas in the Department of English as a Global Language (EAGL) is international relations and exchanges. It covers a broad area from exchange programmes by private sectors to high-level political negotiations by international organisations.

Learning current affairs in the world encourages you to understand a history of your own countries. In other words you will more actively commit yourselves for the prosperity of the world. The EAGL department has a wide range of programmes to enhance your English abilities and your ability to analyse international affairs.