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  5. Message from international student of ICD-Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University 2



Message from international student of ICD-Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University 2


Message from international student of ICD-Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University2


I think that I am very lucky to be a student of this university. The teachers are like my second parents. They are very co-operative and caring. I have got to learn lots of new things here. Chance to make lots of new friends and the fresh environment make me feel I am in the right place.
All I think is ......
 life is an endless journey,
 it has no end, but milestones, 
 definitely yes milestones.
And completing your graduation from this university will certainly be a memorable milestone in your life. So fasten up your shoe laces and buckle up your belts for the journey ahead, because the best part of your life is waiting for you.